Light breakfasts for start the day with energy

Light breakfasts to start the day

Are you thinking of skipping breakfast to lose weight? You should know that there are scientific studies that indicate that people who have breakfast usually have a more balanced diet and are less likely to be overweight, as well as also having a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. Today, on World Food Day, we want to explain what a healthy breakfast contains and ideas for light combinations so that you don’t skip the first meal of the day.

What is a healthy breakfast?

Although there is not a single “ideal breakfast”, it should be complete and nutritious, and adapted to personal preferences while still being healthy. So that it is balanced, it is recommended that breakfasts contain these 3 food groups:

  • Starch: this group contains foods rich in complex carbohydrates, for example bread, whole grains and oats. Whenever possible, choose the whole grain version, as it will be richer in fibre, minerals and vitamins, and also because fibre is filling.
  • Dairy or foods rich in calcium, such as yoghurts, milk and cheese, or in their lactose free versions, vegetable drinks enriched with calcium. For a light breakfast, select low fat options, especially in the case of cheeses: cottage cheese and low fat fresh cheese, or soft cheeses which are low in fat.
  • Fruit: include one piece of fruit in your breakfast for fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The more varieties that you include the better! Remember, it is preferable to eat fruit whole than in the form of juice.

Light breakfasts in 5 minutes

If you want to lose weight and only have 5 minutes to prepare your breakfast, we propose the following options:

  1. Whole wheat toast with fresh cheese, 2 mandarins, and an infusion that strengthens your objectives, such as Adelgasana.
  2. Breakfast cereals that are low in sugar with skimmed milk and a fresh pear cut into slices.
  3. Turkey ham sandwich with lettuce and tomato, accompanied by yogurt with seasonal strawberries and a coffee with skimmed milk.

If you have more time, choose a more elaborate breakfast:

  1. Porridge, also known as oatmeal, with skimmed milk, pomegranate with fresh orange juice and an infusion. Instead of sugar, try Endulsana to add a sweet touch to your breakfast.
  2. Yoghurt with chia seeds and homemade granola, toast with low fat cooked ham and a fruit salad of typical autumn fruits. To make the granola, mix rolled oats and other grains with Endulsana, a small amount of olive oil and nuts to taste, until the ingredients stick together. Roll out on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes, until crunchy.
  3. Bowl of quinoa cream with raspberries and pear and coffee with skimmed milk. Cook the quinoa in a mixture of water and skimmed milk for an extra creamy result. You can add cinnamon and lemon for greater flavour.

Losing weight is synonymous with eating healthily. Start the day with a light, appetising breakfast with these ideas!