Artichoke and cinnamon for a healthy heart

Artichoke and cinnamon, useful for a healthy heart

Cholesterol is a substance found naturally present in all our cells and which is necessary for the proper function of our bodies; however, an excess may lead to a risk for the health of our hearts. In general, we can classify cholesterol in two large groups: good cholesterol, or HDL, and bad cholesterol or LDL. An excess of total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for heart diseases.

Why raise cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a nutrient which is found in foods of animal origin, which also contain saturated fats which may increase the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries.

What can I do to have a healthy heart?

Having a healthy diet and lifestyle can help to keep these levels stable. Furthermore, there are natural foods which provide properties for reducing the levels of this substance such as artichoke and cinnamon.

  • Artichoke:

Artichoke is a food which provides a great number of health benefits. Artichoke extract may help to reduce cholesterol levels in our bodies. How? Firstly, it inhibits the enzymes responsible for creating cholesterol in the body; and secondly, it has the capacity to increase the excretion of cholesterol through bile ducts, thanks to its choleretic capacity. Furthermore, the sterols contained in the artichoke, a substance with a structure very similar to that of cholesterol, causes the incapacity of receptors responsible for capturing the cholesterol from our diet, thus inhibiting its absorption at an intestinal level.

  • Cinnamon:

Cinnamon also provides several favourable effects for the body, relating to a series of specific situations such as maintaining adequate blood sugar levels. Furthermore, some studies suggest that it may contribute to reducing total cholesterol levels in the body, reducing triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol, and is therefore attributed with the capacity for reducing the risk of heart disease.

How to consume artichoke and cinnamon?

Cook artichoke in the oven, or however you wish, and use cinnamon to give a touch of flavour to your dishes. Adding these ingredients to your diet will surely make your dishes very special. Furthermore, you can also enjoy them in infusions such as Sanacol, a product from Susarón created from green tea, artichoke, ginger and a luscious cinnamon flavour. This infusion is designed for those who wish to take care of themselves, and will also help you to warm your stomach on cold days. Enjoy a Susarón moment with Sanacol, taking care of your heart!